Post Grad. Dip. (OU-USA) BMC (UNZA-Zambia), MPhil. Media (UIO-Norway)
A Research enthusiast, Media and Communication Lecturer, Media and Communication Consultant, news media junkie, lover of good food, music and all things in between and beyond.
Brenda’s research interests are on issues surrounding media policy, politics, media freedoms, media and culture, TV and Radio, media history, human rights, Internet freedoms, social media, and Children’s use of the media.
Brenda has over 8 years’ experience in journalism and media education, research and consultancy. Has worked with several governments, Universities, organisations and communities as trainer, researcher, advisor, author, consultant and mentor.
She has worked and networked with various organisations and universities including; University of Zambia (Zambia), University of Ohio (Athens, Ohio), University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) Freedom House (New York), AVAP-Zambia and MISA-Zambia Chapter.
Recipient of a number of fellowships including; US Department of State SUSI fellowship (2014), Frittord fellowship (2011), Norwegian Quota Scheme fellowship (2010), the University of Zambia Staff Development Fellowship Scheme (2009) and the African Pathways Doctoral Programme (2017).