Seminar Times


Seminar Times

Seminars are scheduled in the afternoons.

Honours & MA courses follow a modular format, with two modules per
degree running over a twelve week semester, followed immediately by the
relevant examinations.  This format has been chosen to make the degree
modules compatible with other programmes in the Faculty of Human
Sciences, and will allow for greater interchange in terms of the
electives on offer.  Module credits can be earned by students
determining their own points of entry and exit.  Short-term enrolment
requires a minimum of one semester of full-time attendance for thirteen
weeks a year. This will allow a student to earn two module credits per
semester, working towards the completion of the degree.  Students,
however, may exit the course at any time, and receive certification for
those modules which are complete. 

modules may require internships, field work and research activity over
and above the official University calendar.  This work is usually
scheduled for the University vacations.  Students concerned should
budget for, and schedule, such activities into their work.

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